Voice Of My Life-1

If you want to express yourself, you need to be heard. To be heard, you need to have a voice
That is the motto I live by, my very own guideline to life. Having a voice means more than just talking and being able to be heard by others. Its about being able to express yourself. Do you remember how when you were a child and your parents or teachers tried to blame you for something you didn't do? You were angry because you know you hadn't done what they thought you did, but you took the blame anyways because you thought there was nothing you could do. Inside, deep down, you wanted to defend yourself. You wanted to scream and yell and make sure they heard you.
In society today, people just go in the direction the wind blows. It's always easier to do what everyone else is doing. Less confrontations or distractions. The truth is, that is the less difficult route to follow. But sometimes, the easier way is not always the right way. Why do people fear to be different? Why do people fear to be themselves or stand up for what they believe in? What people fail to realize is life itself is a journey. A journey about discovery, passion, ambition, and finding your purpose.
I always believed that everyone has a purpose, and everyone's purpose is different. That would seem accurate. As I started to experience life more and more and I was put into many difference situations, I realized that the way I thought was not so accurate anymore.
The world we live in is a beautiful place. I once believed that. The way a rose blossoms during spring, flourishing into pure elegance. Or the way the sun radiates it's light all around the world onto the very skin of every human lucky enough to feel its glory. These are just a few beautiful aspects of the world we live in. These are the things we can see with our very own eyes. A baby being born into the world is seen as one of the most beautiful events that happens throughout life itself. In my eyes, its a curse. For mankind to keep evolving and growing, more discoveries will have to be made. For more discoveries to be made, humans must reproduce and let their legacy live on. But how can any normal human want to reproduce and bring their very own child into the world we live in today? Society is not only bad, it's getting worse. We live in a world where we will risk our own brothers, our family and friends, to go fight a war over land or oil. We rather fight when we don't agree with someone or something, rather than talk it out and try to come up with a non violent solution. Gandhi made a change without violence, why can't everyone else? I rather be abused than to be the abuser. If I had to take pain for someone else, I would. We live in a world where each new generation of humans is worse than the last. Teenagers rather disobey their parents and do what they want, not caring about the consequences. If I can say anything about humans, it's that they are truly selfish. We don't care about the health or life of a stranger, simply for the fact that they are a stranger. This brings me back to why I think everyone has only one purpose in life. That purpose is to make the world we live in a better and positive place so our children can be able to grow into mature and successful adults. As of now, no child is safe. Racism, discrimination, and senseless violence. Those are just a few issues society faces every second of the day. Motivational speakers and celebrities will tell a homosexual to not be scared to be themselves and embrace every aspect of life because life is short. The next day, you hear on the news that a homosexual has just been shot in the head, the same day he came out to everyone in his community. In this world, you can't be yourself and fear is the main reason people would rather be the same as everyone else rather than to be who they are.
It is true that everyone is different and saying that every human is selfish and irresponsible would just be an opinion rather than a fact. There is good in almost everyone. But if you live your life being happy with yourself and waking up with a smile on your face everyday because you just received a huge promotion from your boss and plan on going on a personal vacation for yourself, you are just as bad as the rest. Life is short and there's no other way to put that. You are born, and eventually you die. But while you are alive, while you wake up thanking God for being able to live another day, ask yourself something. Ask yourself if you actually deserve to live your life more than people who are dying of starvation, or committing suicide because they just wanted to be themselves and that wasn't good enough for society. Can you still find a way to smile after hearing that an elementary school boy, who just so happened to be Arabian, was killed by another parent because the parent thought he was an endangerment to the other children. Who cares right? You didn't know the kid, he wasn't a part of your life. In realty, ninety percent of people would just move on with their day without even having a reaction. That ninety percent, are people you surround yourself with everyday. You yourself may be one of those people.
Changing the world is not something anyone can change over night, over a year, over ten years. But eventually, I believe, a change in the world will happen. Some people will read an article in the newspaper about a suicide bomber who blew up his or her school and killed everyone who was inside the building and say, “Well that would never happen to my child because he's home schooled.” It's very upsetting that most people think like that. Without effort, nothing can be accomplished.
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. Through his motivational speeches and marches, he eventually made his dream come true, despite the fact that there is still racism alive in the world today. Now, I have a dream. I dream of a world where parents don't have to be scared to leave their children alone at school their very first day. Where people can be themselves and express their individuality without being judged or bullied into depression. This dream that I have is what people will say is the definition of impossible. People also said that it is impossible for humans to fly, yet planes exist. It is true, my dream does seem impossible. But there is one way that my dream can come true. If people start coming together as an international family all around the world to solve their issues or to help those who are in need of guidance, this world can become better slowly. The population of our world is increasing rapidly and it's our job as humans to make sure our brothers and sisters are safe. Standing up is not enough, we have to rise up into the sky. The only way any of this will even begin or become possible to begin is if we develop our voices. When we develop our voices, our hearts will speak and our words will become weapons of action and change.
(dikutip dari : http://voicesinspace.com/articles/1935-My-Voice-My-Life )